Class Annotation

Hierarchy (view full)



__jsonld: any
context: string
externalResource: IExternalResource
id: string


  • get LookAtLocation(): Vector3
  • A 3D point coordinate object for the location of an Annotation to satisfy the requirements of the lookAt property of camera and spotlight resources, according to the draft v4 API as of April 1 2024

    Is the position of the point for a target which is a SpecificResource with a PointSelector Otherwise, for example when the annotation target is an entire Scene, the location for lookAt is the origin (0,0,0)

    Returns Vector3


  • Developer Note: 8 April 2024 getBody3D function was developed in the early stages of the 3D API Feb-March 2024 as alternative to the existing Annotation getBody function, but the signature for getBody3D was chosen to be a single object instance, not an array.

    At this stage, the merging of the 2D API anf the draft 3D API has been completed, so 3D applications can use the getBody() function to retrieve the body of an Annotation intended to target a scene. For compatibily the return value of the function is still an array.

    3D clients using getBody are responsible for choosing the appropriate instance from the returned array. In most cases this will be the sole 0th element. *

    Returns SpecificResource | AnnotationBody

  • Returns null | AnnotationMotivation

  • A function that wraps the getProperty function, which client code can use if it is needed to identify when the json value of a property is an IRI -- Internationalized Resource Identifier

    If the value of the json value is a bare string, then it will be wrapped in a json object with the string in the property 'id', additionally that property will have a property 'isIRI' which will be true for the literal string case, otherwise false meaning the returned getProperty should be parsed as before.


    • name: string

    Returns any