performs the calculation required for the lookAt
property of a camera resource. Determines the
required angles of two rotations, the first about
the x axis and the second about the y axis, which will
rotate the default camera direction (0,0,-1) into the
direction of the input arguments
Result of calculation is returned as a instance of EulerAngle from the
threejs-math library. The "axes order" of the EulerAngle is "YXZ": The
three-js library uses body-fixed axes to represent EulerAngles, which reverse
the ordering of the "relative rotation" algorithm described in the
draft 3d api.
direction: Vector3
A vector interpreted as a direction. Client code
responsible for not passing a 0-length vector, else a
performs the calculation required for the lookAt property of a camera resource. Determines the required angles of two rotations, the first about the x axis and the second about the y axis, which will rotate the default camera direction (0,0,-1) into the direction of the input arguments
Result of calculation is returned as a instance of EulerAngle from the threejs-math library. The "axes order" of the EulerAngle is "YXZ": The three-js library uses body-fixed axes to represent EulerAngles, which reverse the ordering of the "relative rotation" algorithm described in the draft 3d api.